01 280 8882 24 Hour Service


Once we have discussed the funeral arrangements with a family, we then provide a written schedule detailing the instructions received.

The schedule will also include an estimate of the various funeral costs, such as our charges and payments made to third parties, such as cemeteries, crematoria, newspapers and florists, on your behalf.

We ask that these disbursements are paid to us at the time of arranging the funeral, while the final account balance is issued within two weeks. Payment is requested as soon as the family is in a position to settle the account; normally 30 days.

Funeral Costs

Charges by the Funeral Director

This cost is dictated by each individual family requirement and can vary from €1,750 to €7,275 and upwards. 

The Funeral Directors charges relate to:

  • Coffin selected
  • Removal of the deceased from the place of death to our Preparation Room
  • Embalming of the deceased
  • Removal of the deceased to the family residence or Funeral Home
  • Transportation requirements for the public Removal to Church and the Funeral
  • Funeral Directors professional fees for the co-ordination and arrangement of all aspects of the Funeral

Third Party Payments

The range of charges/fees is currently as follows:

  • Grave Purchase; from €1,400 to €9,000 and upwards
  • Grave opening; from €450 to €1,200 (some County Councils charge a "Registration" Fee of between €360 - €400 in addition to the opening fee)
  • Cremation Fees; from €475
  • Newspaper Announcements; from €230
  • Flowers; from €59
  • Organist's fee; from €125
  • Soloist's fee; from €125
  • Offering to Church; from €200( at family discretion)
  • Gratuities; from €100   (at family discretion)               

Thus, monies paid out by the Funeral Director at the time of the funeral could range from €1,950 to €7,000.

Combining the Funeral Directors' charges and the payments to third parties the cost of a traditional funeral can range from €2,950 to €7,500.

There is no V.A.T. added to the total funeral account.

CoffinsFlowersFuneral ArrangementsBurial and CremationReligious and Non-Religious ServicesCare of the DeceasedMedical LiasonDeath NoticesFuneral VehiclesMusicConfirmation of Instructions and Funeral CostsRepatriationService SheetsVenues and CateringThe Funeral of a Child